This newsletter discusses the seven most important laws of Dialogic Design Science (DDS) and explains the challenges and repercussions of scaling up to handle large numbers of participants.
The dominant view among contemporary political theorists is that deliberation improves the quality of decisions and enriches democracy. However, there are gaps in unstructured processes of deliberation that produce outcomes that are perverse from the perspective of democratic theory. The application of SDDPs in small groups overcomes almost all of the above problems, so it provides a good model for online dialogue.
SDDP is a category of systemic design, which enables a small group of (typically 15-35) individuals, with diverse (also conflicting) views, backgrounds, and perspectives, to develop a common framework of thinking based on an emergent consensus. SDDP can be delivered either as face-to-face workshop encounters or as virtual on-line sessions.
The selection of the requisite variety of stakeholders to participate in an SDDP Co-laboratory is a key requirement to ensure the success of a systemic design project.
Conventional workshops are generally control environments where the moderator provides input and suggestions to the assembled participants and decides who will speak, for how long, and in what order. The facilitator of an SDDP Co-laboratory has no role in the dialogue and provides no direct input His or her role is to follow the democratic rules of SDDP, and to enable participants to present their own ideas, in a "round-robin" mode, where each is allowed an equal period to explain and response to clarification requests on their ideas own, and no one idea has any greater value or relevance than any other.
Green political parties are gaining worldwide acceptance as mainstream political parties, with meaningful manifestos. Objectives that resonate with citizens seeking a society based on fairness, justice and equality for humans, animals and the environment, rather than blindly following historical and irrelevant ideologies.